Melinda Fabian

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Capturing a World of Color

I am so excited to share with you my paper sculpture titled, “Capturing a World of Color”. It is also currently a part of the Animals in Art Show 2024 at Seaside Art Gallery in Nags Head, NC. You can view the show online or in person at the gallery. 10% of the proceeds from the art bought at this show, will go to the Coastal Humane Society in the Outer Banks, NC.

This piece is truly a labor of love, and I can't wait for you to see all the intricate details. Let me start by giving you a visual description of the artwork. “Capturing a World of Color” is a three-dimensional piece that features a cylindrical clear glass container as its centerpiece. This aquarium is surrounded by a beautifully textured sculptural base, which has an organic form with stunning pink, orange, and yellow hues. The textures resemble coral or exotic plant life, with starfish adding a touch of life and nature to the piece.

 Inside the glass aquarium, you will find a mesmerizing assemblage of colorful elements. These elements mimic aquatic flora and fauna, creating a vibrant underwater landscape. The underwater scene includes a variety of aquatic plants and creatures in different shades of blues, reds, and greens. Notice the sea turtle swimming among the plants. The colors and textures really come alive when the light interacts with them, thanks to the clear glass.

Now, you may be wondering what inspired me to create "Capturing a World of Color." Well, I've always been fascinated by the beauty of underwater ecosystems. I wanted to see if I could recreate that beauty using paper and paint, but with a twist. Instead of creating a traditional aquarium, I wanted to place the fish and coral reef inside a unique glass container, making the paper sculpture appear as though it is an actual underwater scene. The challenge of capturing the essence of an aquarium with unconventional materials was truly inspiring to me.

One of the most unique aspects of creating this artwork was the process itself. The entire piece is made by hand-cutting paper and then meticulously painting it with watercolor and gouache. The level of detail required was both challenging and rewarding. Additionally, the glass aquarium is placed on a sandy beach, which is also made out of finely hand-cut paper resembling sand. The colorful coral reef is not only displayed inside the glass aquarium but also on the sandy beach outside the glass, creating a cohesive and dynamic composition.

"Capturing a World of Color" celebrates the beauty of natural forms, textures, and the vibrancy of aquatic ecosystems. Through this piece, I hope to convey a message about the importance of biodiversity and the wonder of underwater life.

 I can't wait for you to experience “Capturing a World of Color" in person at Seaside Art Gallery in Nags Head NC., or online at Seaside Art Gallery

It truly is a unique and captivating artwork. Stay tuned for more updates and be sure to check out my other creations!

8” high x 4” wide…………………..$895.00