Melinda Fabian Set as Featured Artist at Strathmore Paper Works Show

BIG news! I will be the featured artist at the upcoming Paper Works art show at The Mansion at Strathmore this fall, where I will exhibit an 18-foot paper sculpture titled, “Charming Victorian Country Garden Retreat.” 

Created out of paper and paint, it is my hope this full-scale paper sculpture experience will remind us of the importance of creating real spaces in our lives that can be our safe haven — places that are meaningful, relaxing, rejuvenating and enjoyable. Here are just some of the surprises you can expect to find in this “Charming Victorian Country Garden Retreat”:

Visitors are welcomed into the serene retreat with beautiful garden, framed by exquisite, life-like hanging purple wisteria flowers while squirrels scamper over the vines. Tulips, peonies and iris flowers line the front porch of a Victorian country home, providing a retreat for birds and butterflies too. The wicker table and chair on the front porch overlook the rose gardens while the family dog and kittens play nearby.

You can also count the ladybugs and look for hidden creatures, such as a chipmunk, praying mantis, bees and a leaf hopper. This paper habitat can just about come alive with just a little imagination. Close your eyes for a moment and you can almost smell the flowers, hear the birds chirping and feel the sunshine on your face. By the time you’ve had a good look around, I hope you’ll realize just how life-like paper sculpture can be.

I've already been hard at work for months bringing to life a realistic paper sculpture like you've never seen before, and I can't wait for you to see the completed piece. In the meantime, you can follow the journey on my blog and social media accounts and subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to get new updates!

The show will run at The Mansion at Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland, from Sept. 8 through Oct. 30, 2020. More details to be announced soon!

Updated Aug. 5, 2020.