Melinda Fabian

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Reflecting on My Art Studio, Old and New

Each studio I’ve had over the years has been a very different space. They’ve all had their own unique features and characteristics as well as something I really liked. This is even true about my first studio, which was in an old apartment building. One day, my studio got rained on after the water pipes froze and burst in the unit on the third floor above me.

I am already loving my latest studio because I have a beautiful country view outside my window, which will be bigger and brighter after the new window is installed. Another thing I like is that the building is set back from the road, making it feel private and peaceful.

I also appreciate that my new studio has a door and is a separate room from the rest of the house. I can close the door to signal that my office is now closed. It gives me a sense of separation between work and life. And sometimes, it is just nice to know I can close that door and not have anyone, including me, catch a glimpse at my sometimes-messy desk.

Because I am still in the process of renovating the new studio, I have lots of boxes that are still packed up. This can be a little frustrating, but I know I will be thankful when my dedicated art studio space is ready.

When work really gets started on my window, I will need to move out to the dining room table for a while. I am hoping by then to have my newest miniature art pieces completed, since it will be much more difficult to do miniature art at the table. I need a lot of bright light for those!